Media Recovery Systems

With minimal maintenance, the ISTblast Media Recovery System (MRS) recycles the most popular abrasives such as; glass bead, aluminum oxide, steel shot, steel grit and much more, achieving substantial savings of abrasive costs (recycling rates of 95% and more can be realized). For example: steel shot can be recycled 100 times, and Garnet can be recycled 10 to 15 times.

Some media are simply not recyclable. Because of their fragile molecular structure, they deteriorate quickly while generating harmful sandblasting dust and substantially reducing the visibility of the operators.

media recovery systems

To operate a media recovery system is very simple. Following the sanding process, the residual abrasives accumulated on the floor can be manually or mechanically swept towards the recovery pits. The pneumatic recovery system collects and conveys the used abrasive to the recycler to be cleaned and recycled. The clean abrasive is then conveyed to the pressure vessel to be used again for the sandblasting process, while the dust is conveyed to the filtration system.

For most operations a Pneumatic MRS works very well and is very economical. A blower sucks the media from an in-floor or above floor trough into a cylone separator. The media is then fed into a hopper above the blast pot. The dust continues through a bag style dust collector with manual or automatic shaker.

In-floor Screw Media Recovery Systems are also available for high production operations with multi-operators where processing speed of the reclamation system is critical.

CSA approved and made in Canada.


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